LOS ANGELES – Nov. 2, 2015 – 8minutenergy Renewables, LLC (8minutenergy) today announced it has formally signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to develop the 191 megawatt-dc (150 MW-ac) Springbok 2 Solar Farm, located 70 miles north of Los Angeles in Kern County, California.
8minutenergy signed the Springbok 2 PPA with the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA), on behalf of its participating member, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP). The project will supply renewable energy to more than 110,000 homes in southern California. 8minutenergy announced earlier in July that it had started construction of the 137 MW-dc (105 MW-ac) Springbok 1 Solar Farm.
“8minutenergy is enjoying tremendous momentum and has established itself as the leading independent solar provider in the U.S. with 1,400 MW of contracted projects,” said 8minutenergy Chief Executive Officer Martin Hermann. “We broke ground on the Springbok 1 project as scheduled, and we’re pleased the Springbok 2 project is following close behind right on schedule.”
Springbok 2 Solar Farm is a utility-scale solar generation facility sited on up to about 700 acres of abandoned farmland taken out of production more than 20 years ago. 8minutenergy began developing the project in 2011.
“Developing the Springbok 2 solar project is a critical step toward creating a clean energy future for Los Angeles and meeting our renewable energy targets of 25 percent by 2016 and 33 percent by 2020. We are very pleased the agreement has been achieved and the project is moving forward,” said Michael Webster, LADWP Executive Director of Power System Engineering and Technical Services.
The Springbok 2 project is expected to reach its commercial operations date in the fourth quarter of 2016. Along with Springbok 1, the two new solar facilities will generate enough clean, renewable energy to serve over 110,300 Los Angeles households. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided is comparable to removing 71,400 cars from the road.
“The process to develop Springbok 2 has been a smooth one with the help of many local and regional agencies, including the SCPPA and LADWP,” said Tom Buttgenbach, President of 8minutenergy. “With this PPA milestone, we’re one step closer to delivering additional clean energy to the people of Los Angeles.”
Job fairs for construction of both Springbok projects were held in Kern County in September. As did the Springbok 1 Solar Farm, Springbok 2 is expected to create an estimated 300 direct and 400 indirect jobs during construction in Kern County.
The solar power system for Springbok 2 Solar Farm will be comprised of state-of-the-art solar photovoltaic modules, related power electronics, and other components including an advanced tracking system that follows the sun to maximize energy production.
About 8minutenergy Renewables, LLC
8minutenergy Renewables develops, finances, engineers, constructs, owns, operates and maintains solar projects. 8minutenergy Renewables is the largest independent solar developer in the United States. To date, 8minutenergy Renewables has been awarded over more than 1,400 MW in PPAs; secured more than 1,500 MW in Generation Interconnection Agreements (GIA); and has secured over 20,000 acres of land bank. 8minutenergy has offices in Folsom, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Dallas, Singapore and New Delhi, India. For more information, please call 800-585-3132 or +1-916-608-9060, send email to info@8minutenergy.com or visit www.8minutenergy.com.